Bet Digital Disclaimer
Gambling is an enjoyable pastime for many, but it can also involve risks. Thus, it is important that our customers are aware of the potential pitfalls that can arise. This disclaimer is intended to communicate the risks of gambling, as well as provide useful tips and advice on different sports bet markets, odds and bonuses.
Gambling can become addictive and can harm both you and your family’s lives and financial standing. In an effort to be open and transparent, we want to ensure that our customers are aware of the risks of recreational gambling. We are not liable for any inaccurate information, and if you feel like you are gambling with more money than you can afford to lose, it is important that you seek help.
You should only bet money you can afford to lose, and treat gambling as entertainment. At Bet.Digital, we do our best to supply the latest information about deals, but it’s each customers responsibility to determine if they wish to play real money betting or games. We are not a gambling company and will not be held liable for any losses.